It is no secret that Utah is one of the top states to roam for hunting trophy bulls. Since the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources manages elk based on age objectives rather than bull-to-cow ratios, the state affords numerous opportunities to hunters of all skill levels.
With the beautiful backdrop of the Wasatch Mountains, elk hunting season in the Beehive State is bound to be a stunning experience. Elk and deer season also happens during one of the most beautiful times of the year with the changing leaves. Running from late August to the end of November, elk hunters can enjoy stalking, aiming, and hunting these magnificent bulls.
Hunter’s Choice Bull Elk (Archery)
Spike: Aug 21–Sept 10, 2021
Any bull: Aug 21–Sept 22, 2021
Any Bull Units
Any legal weapon: Oct 9- Oct 21, 2021
Muzzleloader: Nov 3- Nov 11, 2021
Multi-season: Aug 21- Sept 22, Oct 9- Oct 21, Nov 3- Nov 11, 2021
Spike-Only Units
Any legal weapon: Oct 9- Oct 21, 2021
Muzzleloader: Nov 3- Nov 11, 2021
Multi-season: Aug 21- Sept 22, Oct 9- Oct 21, Nov 3- Nov 11, 2021
Private Lands Antlerless Elk
Any legal weapon: Aug 2- Jan 31, 2021
The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources points out that “You may only obtain an antlerless elk-control permit if you have a buck, bull or once-in-a-lifetime permit for areas that overlap antlerless elk-control hunting units.” However, you can only do so for areas that overlap antlerless elk-control hunting units. See the antlerless elk-control permits page for further details.
It is important to note that Utah’s 2021 elk hunting season might be a little different than previous ones. This year, the Utah Wildlife Board approved several wildlife management revisions that will affect elk, antelope, deer, bison, and bighorn sheep hunting. These season changes directly impact the number of permits released to the public.

Modifications to the 2021 Utah Elk Hunting Season:
Modifying the present elk management plan to allow for 17,500 any-bull elk permits rather than allowing hunters to hunt an unlimited number of elk
Approving an unlimited number of any-bull elk licenses for youth, which will not count towards the 17,500 cap
Allowing hunters to harvest bull elk using a muzzleloader or any legal weapon
Keeping the cap on spike bull elk permits at 15,000 permits statewide
Changing the limited-entry elk hunts on seven different hunting units throughout Utah, including an archery hunt that will run for all of September
Approving several boundary changes throughout the state
Allowing several new handgun-archery-muzzleloader-shotgun elk hunting units to join the ranks
Approving all any-weapon spike bull elk hunts on the Book Cliffs units for five days during October
Extending the any-bull archery elk hunting season by five days for the next two years
Along with these changes to the state’s elk hunting season, the Board also made modifications to several other types of big game hunting, including deer, pronghorn, bison, Rocky Mountain, and desert bighorn sheep. Please reference the Utah Division of Wildlife’s press release for more information regarding these modifications to Utah’s 2021 elk hunting season and deer season.
In addition to enjoying Utah’s hunting season, many hunters like to explore what the rest of the country offers. From the mid-summer hunts in Florida to the grand deer population of Kentucky, there are many states available to allow you to elk hunt throughout the year.
We’ve compiled a list of the eight most popular elk hunting states besides Utah, along with their general season dates. Here is what you should know.

Oregon Deer Season
Firearm: Oct 17- Nov 27
Archery: Aug 29- Sept 27
Wyoming Deer Season
General Season: Aug.15- Jan 31
Washington Deer Hunting Season
Firearms: Aug. 1-Jan. 20
Archery: Sept. 12-24
Aug. 1- Jan 30
Early Muzzleloader: Oct. 3-9
Late Muzzleloader: Aug 1- Jan 20
Montana Deer Season
Archery: Sept 5- Oct 18
Youth Hunt: Oct. 15-16
General Season: Oct 24- Nov 29
Backcountry Archery: Sept. 5- 14
General Backcountry Season: Sept 15- Nov 29
Nevada Deer Season
General Season: Sept.1- Oct 31
Idaho Deer Season
General Season: Aug.1- Dec 31
Colorado Deer Season
Archery: Sept 2- Sept 30
Muzzleloaders: Sept 12- Sept 20
Rifle: Oct. 10-14, Oct 24- Nov 1, Nov. 7-13, and Nov. 18-22
New Mexico Deer Season
General Season: Sept 1- Jan 31
Keep in mind that all of these season dates may vary according to local jurisdictions and zones. You can receive more in-depth information on appropriate websites. Now that we understand elk hunting across the country let’s discuss the most frequently asked questions regarding Utah’s 2021 elk hunting season.

How much is an elk tag in Utah?
If you hope to hunt during the 2021 elk hunting Utah season, you will need to purchase Utah elk tags and acquire a hunting license. The cost of a general big game season permit depends on your residency status and the type of animal you hunt.
Most states use a random drawing to distribute elk tags. However, some hunting districts allow hunters to purchase elk tags over the counter. Utah sells a limited number of elk tags online as well as over the phone.
Below is a list of limited-entry game season permits in Utah and associated costs
- Resident archery elk (hunter’s choice): $50.00
- Resident general-season bull elk: $50.00
- Resident general-season multi-season bull elk: $150.00
- Resident limited-entry bull elk: $285.00
- Resident antlerless: $50.00
- Resident antlerless control elk: $30.00
- Resident private-lands-only antlerless elk: $50.00
- Resident depredation elk: general/antlerless: $50.00
- Resident depredation bull elk (with current year unused bull permit): $235.00
- Resident depredation bull elk (without current year unused bull permit): $285.00
- Resident muzzleloader elk: $50.00
- Resident CWMU any bull elk: $285.00
- Resident CWMU antlerless elk: $50.00
- Resident limited-entry multi-season bull elk: $513.00
- Non-resident archery elk (hunter’s choice, includes 365-day fishing license): $593.00
- Non-resident general-season bull elk (includes 365-day fishing license): $593.00
- Non-resident general-season multi-season bull elk (includes 365-day fishing license): $800.00
- Non-resident limited-entry bull elk (includes 365-day fishing license): $1,000.00
- Non-resident antlerless: $251.00
- Non-resident antlerless control elk: $107.00
- Non-resident private-lands-only antlerless elk: $251.00
- Non-resident depredation antlerless elk: $107.00
- Non-resident muzzleloader elk (includes 365-day fishing license): $593.00
- Non-resident CWMU any bull elk (includes 365-day fishing license): $1,000.00
- Non-resident CWMU antlerless elk: $318.00
- Non-resident limited-entry multi-season bull elk (includes 365-day fishing license): $1,805.00
Permits are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Dates to obtain a permit for the 2021 elk hunting season include the following:
- General season archery elk permits (adults and youth): Jul 8, 2021
- Remaining limited-entry big game permits: Jul 8, 2021
- Over-the-counter Nine Mile Bison permits: Jul 8, 2021
- General season any bull elk permits (adults and youth): Jul 13, 2021
- Remaining general season deer and archery deer permits: Jul 15, 2021
- All antlerless permits: Jul 20, 2021
- General season spike bull permits (adults and youth): Jul 22, 2021
Typically, the Utah Division of Wildlife does not update the availability numbers after listing elk hunting licenses online to reflect the number of permits sold or still available for sale. This complex permission process, along with limited availability, makes obtaining an elk tag a more difficult feat.
You can visit Utah’s online hunting permit sales website to discover which elk hunting and deer season permits are still for sale.
However, when you elk hunt at West Canyon Ranch, we provide all the necessary elk tags. As a high fence Utah ranch, we do all that we can to take the stress out of planning your hunt. This commitment to a hassle-free booking process means that you won’t need to spend time waiting to get an elk permit. Instead, we issue our permits so that all you need during your private hunt is your hunting license.
Plus, you can expect to hunt big game that is not only larger but healthier and more mature. Let us eliminate the stress of obtaining an elk tag. Contact West Canyon Ranch to learn more.

Can you hunt all year long at West Canyon Ranch?
West Canyon Ranch offers numerous hunting packages that occur at various times of the year. Typically, our elk hunts are available to book between mid-August to Dec 1. We also provide guests with several multi-day packages, including three-day guided bull hunts and day trips.
What draws guests to West Canyon Ranch is our range of programs, herds, and beautiful scenery. The huge hunting fields of our high-fence hunting ranch expand against a stunning backdrop of northern Utah’s mountain range. This region of the Rocky Mountains has some of the most magnificent vistas you will ever view. Not only do hunters enjoy these expansive views, but they get to experience them while partaking in a private hunt.
Aside from the landscape, our Ranch has some of the best big game hunting on private land in the western United States, including trophy bulls, elk, bison, and deer. Our private hunting ranch sits on 4,000-acres of land where we manage a herd of elk to ensure superior genetics and a memorable hunt.
Whatever deer season or elk hunting program interests you, our elk hunting outfitter will help set you up to ensure a once-in-lifetime hunt.

A guided elk hunt in Utah might cost anything between $2,000 and $15,000. The wide cost variation is due to the range of options available with different outfitters. A private outfitter will price an elk hunt dependent on the type of animal you hunt, location, the caliber of bulls, included amenities, and more. For instance, those who go on guided large game hunts, such as trophy bulls or large elk, are likely to spend more than those who go on guided turkey hunts.
Outfitters providing private hunts must account for the cost of leasing the private land, lodging, and transporting guests around the grounds, as well as from airports and hotels. This increased overhead, like any other business, leads to higher pricing.
While it is not always true that the more you spend on a private hunt will determine a better hunting experience, you should compare the accommodations you receive from one outfitter to another. However, every private hunt is different in terms of what you get for the cost.
Some outfitters will provide food and housing, while others won’t. In these instances, you should expect to pay for several extra expenses regardless of the animal you plan on hunting. A few of these costs will include lodging, meals, accommodations, transportation to the hunt, and more.
Although the cost of an all-inclusive private hunt might seem steep, it is an experience that is well worth the money.
West Canyon Ranch is an elk hunting outfitter dedicated to making your private hunt an experience you will never regret. The cost of our private hunts depends on the elk species and the length of your stay. You can participate in a 2-day and 1-night guided cow elk hunt for $3,000 or an all-inclusive, 3-day, and 3-night guided bull hunt for $12,000. We also offer less expensive hunts on our private ranch.

What does the guided elk hunt include?
On every elk hunting trip, our guides will help you find the best bull possible on the ranch, targeting the 275” to 325” class. In addition, you will experience all-inclusive luxuries such as private chef meals, five-star accommodations, airport transfers, and more.
Private or guaranteed elk hunting includes:
Hunting license and elk tags
Guide services
Private chef cuisine
Airport transportation
Field Dress
Housekeeping and laundry services
Massage therapist
Soaking tub
Camp set-up
Meat storage and delivery
Travel booking and itinerary assistance

As one of the most popular guided elk hunting programs in the United States, West Canyon Ranch boasts an impressive 4,000-acres of private hunting land. Our specialized herd management techniques help maintain outstanding genetics in our elk breeds, including trophy bulls, ranch bulls, management bulls, and cow elk. This proven management process allows our big-game animals to develop and reach their full prize potential.
Not only do we guarantee a shot opportunity for all our elk hunts, but each visitor can expect a once-in-a-lifetime experience during their stay.
Make this elk and deer season your best one yet — contact our staff for more information on guided elk hunts at West Canyon Ranch.